Mothers Day Florist Choice Deluxe Boxed Bouquet

Mothers Day Florist Choice | Seasonal Bouquet

If you’re not sure what to choose, why not let us help decide?

Our flower stand is always bursting with quality, seasonal flowers – we will hand-pick the finest flowers and foliage of the day and carefully create a unique and bespoke bouquet for your order.

Finer Details:

We will choose the finest flowers of the day to create your bouquet, which will be delivered in our signature kraft packaging.

Please be aware that we do not use cellophane on any of our designs.

Please remember that flowers should re-cut before being placed in water and should be kept in a cool and draught free environment.

Orders can be placed online, or over the telephone. Please call us on 01704 790244 for more information.

To help us manage demand, we kindly ask that customers try to give us 2-3 days’ notice where possible, though same-day deliveries will remain available - please ensure you provide a telephone number in case we need to speak with you regarding your order.

Images used on our website and social media are for promotional purposes only and are simply intended to help give an idea what your bouquet may look like, all bouquets are handmade and therefore unique and subject to availability of flowers and foliages.

Mothers Day Florist Choice Deluxe Boxed Bouquet

Select Option and Price

Standard £ 60.00
Medium £ 80.00
Large £ 100.00
Enter Your Price - (Minimum £ 60.00)

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Add On Items

Recycled Glass Vase | Sorrel and Sage Florist - Local Florist | Mawdesley Florist | Bispham Green Florist | Parbold Florist | Burscough Florist | Lathom Florist | Sorrel and Sage Florist | Flower Delivery L40 WN8 WN6 PR26 PR7

Recycled Glass Vase


Greetings Cards | Plantable Seed Card | Sorrel & Sage Florist - Local Florist | Mawdesley Florist | Bispham Green Florist | Parbold Florist | Burscough Florist | Lathom Florist | Sorrel and Sage Florist | Flower Delivery L40 WN8 WN6 PR26 PR7

Plantable Seed Card


Soaps & Gifts - Add special finishing touches to your order, opt for one of our handmade soaps or candles and we'll carefully wrap and deliver alongside your bouquet!

Soap Bars


Soy Wax Candle - Add the finishing touches to your order, we have a range of candles, cards and gifts available to send alongside one of our beautiful bouquets.

Soy Wax Candle


Reed Diffuser | Sorrel and Sage Florist - Add special finishing touches to your order, choose a card, candle or gift to send alongside one of beautifully handcrafted bouquets. Same day, local delivery available.



Plantable Mother's Day Card - As your local florist, we're on hand to add those special finishing touches this Mother's Day. We offer delivery throughout Parbold, Mawdesley, Rufford, Burscough, Lathom and more.

Plantable Mother's Day Card
